US Men’s Soccer: Operation Awestrike
Since its inception, America has made the impossible, possible. Like, for example, putting a man on the moon, a feat that left the entire planet awestruck. US Men’s Soccer winning the 2026 FIFA World Cup — a moonshot of a mission — would be be no different. Art direction by Malia Athanasiou.
Are you awestriken yet?
Get awestricken while waiting for the bus.
Or the train.
Or while casually glancing at the side of a building.
It is amazing we live in a time when the US Men’s team is actually good.
The team will travel to the Johnson Space Center in Houston to train alongside NASA’s pressure-proof professionals, which will be recorded and broadcast exclusively on the US Soccer YouTube Channel.
Space Preparation
Content is king.
To drive home the campaign’s theme with gamers, the team will partner with FIFA 2026 to release a secret stadium on the moon. The only way to unlock it? Beat an opponent with the US Men’s Team in kickoff mode.
FIFA Moon Stadium
Video games rule.
The sky isn’t the limit when it comes to building hype. Brought to you from the team’s IG live, they’ll hold an exhibition match on a Zero-G flight featuring stars who have reached the highest heights in their own right like Tom Brady and Lebron James.
Scrimmage Amongst The Stars
Featuring GOATs only.
Superstar Sponsors
While our very best soccer players are busy training for the tournament, the away teams who play in the various Nike-sponsored leagues will don intergalactic uniforms in solidarity with US Men’s Soccer and their nigh-impossible goal.
We’re all about solidarity.