Be like Minnesota man
Hamm’s Beer
Drinking is seen as the perfect scapegoat for rude behavior. But it really only loosens you up. Hamm’s ethereal new mascot, the Minnesota Man, epitomizes this, demonstrating to the world Midwestern Nice is the only way to be with a can in hand.
A real nice launch
Famous folk-hero nice guy Paul Bunyan will launch the new Hamm’s campaign, with every statue of the man in Minnesota holding a larger-than-life can. Hamm’s will additionally promote them on their socials to spread the word among those outside The Gopher State.
Be The next Minnesota man
While the Hamm’s Minnesota Man will launch as a fictional mascot, the archetype he represents is very real.
With help from investigative news outlet Vice, they’ll launch a content series where they comb the Midwest bar scene to find the person who best embodies the spirit of the Minnesota Man. And their prize: the opportunity to be featured as the new “Minnesota Man” (or woman) in all future campaign ads.
Belligerent Police
Mean drinkers need better reminders of their misdeeds. Hamm’s will recruit midwest-nice-guys Bill Murray and Kristen Bell as the first members of the brand’s “Belligerent Police Force.” Posing undercover at local bars, they’ll reprimand those misbehaving.
After this initial launch, Hamm’s will recruit any nice-guy drinkers who want to do their part in keeping bars and drinking holes a kind and friendly place.
Text Like Minnesota Man
Though we should always text with tact when we hit the town, we occasionally slip up. Hamm’s will develop an AI keyboard that translates all your potentially mean (drunk) texts to something nicer and more Minnesotan.
The Minnesotan Bible
Printed on the inside of every case of Hamm’s will be instructions for a Midwestern drinking game. The twist? The loser will have to act like the Minnesota Man and do something nice for once, like call their mothers or bake cookies for the group.
Kindness Pays
Hamm’s will open a bar in a city that’s the polar opposite of Minnesota: Vegas. Here, cover and drinks can only be paid for in compliments and good deeds.